Amy Bendall

Amy Bendall

Health and Care Research Wales Faculty award:

Award: Research Capacity Building Collaboration (RCBC) Wales fellowships


Amy Bendall is a chartered physiotherapist and is a senior lecturer in the School of Healthcare Sciences at Cardiff University.  Her interests are in cardiorespiratory physiotherapy, particularly in pre-habilitation and enhanced recovery after surgery. She teaches across undergraduate and postgraduate programmes on topics including cardiorespiratory care, qualitative research, and professional and personal development. 

In April 2022, Amy was awarded a RCBC First into Research fellowship to explore the experiences of participating in pre-habilitation programmes among people living with and beyond cancer. The findings, which will present the preferences, motivations, barriers and enablers to participation in pre-habilitation programmes, aim to support both future research priorities in this area, and service design both now and in the post-pandemic recovery.



Senior Lecturer at Cardiff University

Contact Amy

Tel: 02920 687750

