Impact, Rising Research Star and Innovation in Practice Awards 2024


Please complete the form below to submit your entry for the Health and Care Research Wales Awards 2024. 

If you are submitting an entry for the Public Involvement Award please visit the Public Involvement Award form

Please read the guidance document before submitting your entry.  

Award winners will be announced at the Health and Care Research Wales conference on 10 October 2024. 

I would like to enter (choose one):

Please refer to the guidance document before completing this section


I agree to submit a 60 second video as part of my award entry as detailed in the guidance document.

I am happy for my entry to be shared on Health and Care Research Wales communications channels (e.g. website, social media) after the conference
If I win, I agree to claim my reward by 7 March 2025
If I do not do it by this date, I agree to forfeit the award.   
Health and Care Research Wales will only use the personal information you are providing in order for us to perform the task which you are providing the information for. Please follow the link to our Privacy Policy  and tick below to indicate that you agree to us proceeding with the task: