Dr Naledi Formosa

Dr Naledi Formosa

Health and Care Research Wales Faculty award:

Award:  Health Research Fellowship Scheme (2022 - 2025)

Project title: Development of a novel lung-on-a-chip platform to investigate breast cancer metastasis


Dr Formosa has gained expertise in a wide range of laboratory techniques during her PhD and post-doctoral studies. Her main interest is in the application of tissue engineering technologies for the creation of disease models. She has worked as a post-doctoral researcher in the School of Dentistry at Cardiff University on an interesting project entitled ‘Synovial joint in vitro model that is scalable for medium throughput screening applications’. Following that she undertook a second post-doctoral research position at the School of Medicine to work on a research project entitled ‘An innovative model system of cell invasion in tuberous sclerosis (TSC)/LAM to uncover new drug targets and therapies’. This project helped develop some of the group's basic research and technology into a novel field, that is tumour pathophysiology models using 3D systems.

Dr Formosa is now breaking new ground on a self-lead project as a Research Fellow in breast cancer metastasis.

Read more about Naledi and their work:

£6.4 million to support vital health and social care research in Wales



Research Fellow at Cardiff University

Contact Naledi
