David Gillespie

Dr David Gillespie

Health and Care Research Wales Faculty award:

Award: Health Research Fellowship Scheme (2018 - 2023)

Project title: Development of an intervention to Optimise use of pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) to prevent HIV-acquisition in at-risk individuals living in Wales [DO-PrEP]


Dr David Gillespie's background is in Medical Statistics and he completed his PhD in 2017 on the topic of medication adherence methodology. His Health Research Fellowship aims to measure, understand, and optimise the use of HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis in Wales. David undertook his Fellowship on a part-time basis (three days per week over five years), and during that time he has progressed from Research Fellow to Principal Research Fellow via two successful academic promotions, have completed a three-year secondment with an infections group at University of Oxford, and he is now Director of Infection, Inflammation and Immunity Trials at the Centre for Trials Research (Cardiff University).

David's research interests focus on

  • improving the ways in which medication adherence data are measured, modelled, and described in trials and
  • the design and execution of efficient trials evaluating the prudent use of medicines in the field of infectious diseases



Principal Research Fellow and Director of Infection, Inflammation & Immunity Trials at Centre for Trials Research, Cardiff University

Contact David

