Jeremy Hall

Professor Jeremy Hall

Health and Care Research Wales project award: 

Award: Research for Patient and Public Benefit (RfPPB) Wales (October 2018-January 2022)

Project title: Treating Anxiety to PrevEnt Relapse in Schizophrenia (TAPERS) - a feasibility trial

Professor Jeremy Hall's overarching interest is in the role of genetic and environmental risk factors in the development of neurodevelopmental disorders such as schizophrenia, autism and related personality disorders.

In his work he employs a translational approach to study how genetic and environmental factors enhance risk for mental illness.

Jeremy is particularly interested in how identified genetic risk factors affect learning processes in the brain; abnormalities in which underlie the key symptoms seen in a range of mental health problems.

Overall he believes that understanding how genetic risk factors influence the brain and how these responses are modulated by environmental stimuli is crucial to the development of new treatments for psychiatric illness.

In addition to his pre-clinical work he also conducts clinical work and research in the fields of adult neurodevelopmental disorders and early psychosis.

Yn y newyddion:

Mae Ymchwil Iechyd a Gofal Cymru yn buddsoddi mewn arweinwyr ledled Cymru i lywio ymchwil y dyfodol (Ebrill 2022)

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