Update on the decision to pause reviewing applications for undergraduate and master’s students

31 August

The Health Research Authority and Health and Care Research Wales have published an update on the decision to pause reviewing applications for the undergraduate and master’s student projects during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Back in March the HRA and devolved administrations announced our decision to stop reviewing applications for individual undergraduate and master’s student projects until further notice while we prioritised the urgent review of COVID-19 studies. This was also due to the significant pressure on the NHS/HSC, limiting its ability to participate in research studies unrelated to COVID-19.

In the autumn we will publish our new guidelines for student research for consultation in use. Students, research supervisors and Higher Educations Institutions will be invited to share their opinions and help shape our framework.

For now, our existing position of not reviewing applications for individual undergraduate and master’s student projects will remain in place.

You can find out more information on the update on the HRA’s website.