Jane Nicholls Bio Picture

Dr Jane Nicholls

Consultant in Sexual Health and HIV / acting Speciality Lead for public health and prevention

Health and Care Research Wales funding opportunities

Award: NHS Research Time Award (June 2021 - May 2024)

Project title: Research development and network building activities in the field of HIV prevention in Wales

Dr Nicholls is a consultant in sexual health and HIV at Cardiff Royal Infirmary. She is research lead for the department of sexual health within PCIC clinical board at Cardiff and Vale Health Board. She is currently attached to the Centre for Trials research at Cardiff University and is fortunate to have support from a Research Time Award from Health and Care Research Wales.

Dr Nicholls is on the Steering group for Fast Track Cardiff and Vale and co-chairs the research and evaluation subgroup. She has experience of HIV international trials and her research interests include HIV prevention, STI diagnostics and epidemiology and equity of access to services. She is currently acting Speciality Lead for public health and prevention. 



Cardiff and Vale Health Board 

Contact Jane

