Dr Rachel Abbott

Dr Rachel Abbott

Health and Care Research Wales Faculty award:

Award: NHS Research Time Award (2021 - 2024)

Project title: Use of peri-operative antibiotics with no antibiotics in people undergoing excision of ulcerated skin cancers


Dr Rachel Abbott is a consultant dermatologist and Mohs surgeon at the University Hospital of Wales in Cardiff. She graduated in Medicine from Imperial College, London and completed an intercalated BMedSci in Medical Microbiology at Edinburgh University. Her main research and clinical interest is in skin cancer, supported by a three-year NHS Research Time Award from Health and Care Research Wales from 2021-2024. She has co-authored several Cochrane reviews and led an observational multi-centre study to investigate surgical site infection in ulcerated skin cancers (OASIS study).

She is currently developing a trial investigating the use of oral antibiotics in skin surgery and collaborating with Dr Julie Peconi at Swansea University on the ‘Sunproofed’ study - a Mixed-Methods Scoping Study of Sun Safety Policies in Primary Schools in Wales. Rachel is also interested in sustainable healthcare. She is Chair of the British Association of Dermatologists Working Party on Sustainability.

Read more about Rachel and their work:

Primary schools in Wales encouraged to take part in sun safety study



Consultant dermatologist and Mohs surgeon at Cardiff and Vale University Health Board

Contact Rachel

Tel: 02920 743181


