Kerry Nyland

Health and Care Research Wales Faculty award:

Award: Research Capacity Building Collaboration (RCBC) Wales fellowships


Kerry Nyland qualified as a podiatrist in 2014 and has since gained experience in a variety of settings. Recently she joined the team at Huntleigh Healthcare where her main role is sponsor contact for a randomised controlled trial evaluating  Intermittent pneumatic compression (IPC) for patients with lower limb venous and mixed aetiology wounds.

Kerry's Research Capacity Building Collaboration (RCBC) Wales First into Research project came about in 2021 whilst she was working as a Research Officer for Cardiff & Vale UHB. She wanted to learn more about research design and was lucky enough to work with the podiatry team to make a self-help video for patients with plantar fasciitis/ plantar heel pain. This became part of a mixed methods feasibility study to evaluate the acceptability and usability for patients. She is currently writing up the results of the study and look forward to sharing the findings.



Clinical Support Manager at Huntleigh Healthcare

Contact Kerry

