Projects which are already in development (PLACEMENT - Perineural Local Anaesthetic Catheter aftEr Major lowEr limb amputation Trial and Risk perception after major lower limb amputation study) and to identify future research avenues

End of project summary

Main Messages 

When I applied to the NHS Research Time Award (RTA) in 2019, I had hoped it would afford me the opportunity to secure competitive funding, supervise a higher degree, further develop my research interests in amputation surgery, wound healing and collaborative research, and progress towards the goal of becoming an independent established academic over the next 5-10 years. Underpinning all of this, was a desire to develop new, and foster existing, links with individuals within academia, both in south east Wales and further afield. The RTA funded me for two sessions (one day) per week to put towards these endeavours. 

On reflection, I am delighted with the progress made during these last three years.. I have secured (as Chief Investigator) over £1.9 million for research projects both ongoing and completed. I have been involved with numerous other grant applications, which, whilst not all being successful, have given me the experience and understanding as to the grant application process. I have supported an excellent candidate to publish all papers required for a PhD by publication (internal review and external viva awaited). I have published widely, with a significant number as a ‘senior author’. I have taken on, and continue in, a number of research roles. 

 Perhaps of most value has been the opportunities for networking and growing a research network, by engaging in these activities. I still have a passion for improving the care delivered to patients suffering vascular conditions, particularly those who have undergone (or are undergoing) major lower limb amputation, and those with issues with wound healing. I am as enthused as ever by research and look forward to what the next few years will bring. 


Research lead
Mr David Bosanquet
Start date
1 April 2020
End date
31 March 2023
NHS Research Time Award
Project Reference