Mrs Caroline Privett

Caroline Privett

Health and Care Research Wales Faculty award:

Award: Research Training Award (2023 - 2025)

Course title: MRes in Health Research


Caroline Privett has worked in Cardiff and Vale Universoty Health Board (UHB) as a Physiotherapist for 17 years. She specialised in Neuro-Physiotherapy in 2008 but has worked solely across the stroke pathway since 2015. Caroline's first experience of research was providing physiotherapy intervention in the LEAP-MS study.

Caroline started a 12-month secondment as a Clinical Research Therapist in Autumn 2023 within Cardiff and Vale UHB. This Health and Care Research Wales funded role is to help set-up and support large, funded research studies within the Health Board that come under the Therapies Directorate R&D portfolio.  Alongside this role Caroline has also received a Health and Care Research Wales Research Training Award to complete a part-time MRes in Health Care Research.

Read more about Caroline and their work:

Health and Care Research Wales announces funding for researchers in latest round of awards



Clinical Research Therapist at Cardiff and Vale UHB

Contact Caroline
