Professor Steve Riley
Board champion, Cardiff and Vale University Health Board
Professor Steve Riley is the Dean of Medicine and Head of SchooI at Cardiff University. His academic interests include curriculum design, education leadership and application of systems theory to education delivery. Professor Riley is passionate about the social accountability of the Higher Education Sector and addressing health and social inequalities in Wales and beyond. He continues to champion the equality, diversity and inclusivity agenda within all that we do in the School of Medicine and has made a committment to ensuring environmental sustainability for the School as part of action against climate change.
As Professor in Medical Education, Professor Riley was part of the team that designed, developed and implemented the successful C21 Medicine curriculum where he led on the first two years and the final "harmonisation" year. He has also helped introduce Wales first Longitudinal Integrated Clerkship based upon the theory of educational continuity.
Professor Riley is an alumnus of Boston's Harvard Macey Leadership programme and a Fellow of the Academy of Medical Educators.
As a Cardiff graduate, Professor Riley is proud to have trained in Wales and continue as a Clinical Academic in Nephrology working in the Cardiff and Vale University Health Board.