Miss Aysha Siddika

Aysha Siddika

Health and Care Research Wales Faculty award:

Award: Research Capacity Building Collaboration (RCBC) Wales fellowships


Aysha Siddika is a Speech and Language Therapist in Aneurin Bevan University Health Board. She works in the neurodevelopmental team assessing children for autism spectrum disorder (ASD). She is a member of the Royal College of Speech and Language Therapists (RCLST) and Health and Care Professionals Council (HCPC).

Aysha has conducted previous research into phonological acquisition in bilingual development and has guest lectured at Cardiff Metropolitan University as part of the BSc Speech and Language Therapy course. She is a member of the Cardiff Metropolitan University Speech, Hearing and Communication Research Group. Additionally, she is a supporting author developing autism clinical guidance with RCSLT.

Aysha's First into Research project is entitled: “Are video-based consultations for children being investigated for Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) appropriate and reliable? A mixed methods approach”.  



Neurodevelopmental Speech and Language Therapist at Aneurin Bevan University Health Board

Contact Aysha
