Dr Philip Smith

Dr Philip Smith

Health and Care Research Wales Faculty award:

Award: Health Research Fellowship Scheme 

Project title: Leaving a pupil referral unit: Exploring the transitions and post-16 destinations of care experienced young people across Wales


Philip's Health and Care Research Wales fellowship is exploring the post-16 transitions and destinations of care experienced young people in Wales, who have been referred out of a mainstream school and attend a pupil referral unit (PRU).  Prior to this fellowship he worked on a number of important research projects within Children's Social Care Research and Development Centre (CASCADE), including the Child Welfare and Inequalities Project (CWIP) and the Social Workers in Schools (SWIS) Trial. My research interests mainly centre on the educational experiences and lives of young people and the roles and practices of the professionals who work with them.

Philip's background is in youth and community work and childhood studies and he has experience of using a range of qualitative research methods.



Research Associate at Cardiff University

Contact Philip

Tel: 02920 879865

