Professor Carolyn Wallace
Health and Care Research Faculty award:
Award: Social Care PhD Studentship Scheme (October 2021-September 2024)
Project title: Developing a Training Package for Link Workers in Wales using a Realist Approach.
Carolyn is the Director of the Wales School for Social Prescribing Research (WSSPR) working closely with the Wales Council for Voluntary Action. WSSPR is a virtual all-Wales school, which aims to develop a social prescribing evaluation methodology, building on the work previously completed by the Wales Social Prescribing Research Network (WSPRN). This is in addition to its other interdisciplinary themes of education, social value and wellbeing. School membership includes colleagues from academia, health and social care services and members of the public. WSSPR also forms the Regional Centre of Expertise Cymru (United Nations Universities global network) social prescribing circle of interest.
Over the years, Carolyn has developed expertise in qualitative and applied mixed methods research including group concept mapping, consensus methods, and realist review and evaluation. Carolyn is a nurse with over 20 years working experience in practice and management roles. She is currently chair of Age Cymru Gwent.
In the news:
How social prescribing can make positive changes to health and wellbeing (May 2023)
Almost £6.5million awarded to life saving research in Wales (October 2021)