Cyclists being analysed

Welsh researchers partner with elite cyclists to study type 1 diabetes

Diabetes Research Unit Cymru (DRUC) researchers have been monitoring the gruelling demands endured by a unique group of elite cyclists in their drive to find out more about diabetes.

Team Novo Nordisk is the world’s only professional cycling team made up of riders with type 1 diabetes. Led by Dr Richard Bracken, DRUC lead for Exercise Physiology and Lifestyle, the research team travelled to Spain to monitor the cyclists and how their bodies coped with spending up to seven hours in the saddle every day at a 10-day training camp.

The researchers now plan to use the results of the study to help other people with diabetes who want to be more physically active.

Dr Bracken explained: “Team Novo Nordisk compete all over the world and promote a can-do attitude to having type 1 diabetes.

“We wanted to find out more about the bespoke physiology of these elite athletes to better understand their responses to extreme exercise and the strategies they use – things like food intake, sleep and medication adjustments.”

Nutritional, glucose and physiological data was collected during the team’s intensive training and exhaustive cycle testing protocols.

“We want to uncover clues which might give the healthcare community more confidence when it comes to encouraging the wider type 1 diabetes community to do physical activity,” said Dr Bracken.

The findings will now play an important role in building a better understanding of the condition and they are set to be published in leading diabetes science journals.

First published: @ResearchWales Issue 6, June 2019