Research nurse helping older male participant complete a questionnaire on an ipad

"I would like to thank everyone that took part in research this year"

An end-of-year message from Professor Kieran Walshe, Director of Health and Care Research Wales 

The end of each year is a good time to reflect, both on the achievements of the last 12 months and the challenges. 

We at Health and Care Research Wales take huge pride in the way Welsh researchers and healthcare professionals played their full part in research that changed the course of the COVID-19 pandemic and have continued to work on areas like long COVID and the consequences of the pandemic for health and care services and for particularly vulnerable population groups. 

Our campaign this year asked, “Where would we be without research?” and the past few years have shown just how crucial research is, not only to our community in Wales, but across the UK and around the world. 

In 2022, our Wales COVID-19 Evidence Centre turned the skills used during the height of the pandemic towards helping solve wider health and social care problems. We have restarted crucial research that had to be paused while we responded to COVID-19. We launched our new Health and Care Research Wales Faculty, to make sure there are opportunities for people to choose, pursue and develop research careers in the future. 

I would like to thank everyone that took part in research this year. From members of the public who participated in studies or involvement activities, to patient representatives, our higher education partners, local authorities and, of course, everyone who works tirelessly in health and social care. 

With best wishes for the Christmas season, and looking forward to lots of exciting opportunities and activities in 2023. 
