Evaluating person centred care: PERCCI
Developing Evidence Enriched Practice (DEEP) is a co-production approach to gathering, exploring, and using diverse types of evidence in learning and development using story and dialogue-based methods.
The challenge of demonstrating person centred care
The call to demonstrate person-centred care is relevant for services. However, what we mean by person-centred care is not always clear and there are challenges in understanding what it looks like in practice.
Person-Centred Community Care Inventory (PERCCI): a research-based and co-produced survey
PERCCI is developed by Mark Wilberforce, a researcher in York University. Through a review of the relevant literature, he identified the themes that underpin person centred care. He then explored these themes with people supported by adult social care, and they co-produced the 12-item PERCCI survey. The survey is free to use and access.
This session
This one-hour session will introduce people to PERCCI. It will explore the key themes of person-centred care, provide more information about how PERCCI was developed and discuss how it can be used in practice.
This event is being run by Social Care Wales if you have any questions, please contact the event team.