Professor Adrian Edwards
Director & Senior Research Leader
Health and Care Research Faculty award:
Award: Health PhD Studentship Scheme (October 2018 - November 2022)
Professor Adrian Edwards' main research interests are in quality and safety of health care, with current studies on the implementation of shared decision making and patient-centred care, self-management support in long term conditions, and patient safety in primary care.
Adrian is Professor of General Practice at Cardiff University. He is the Director of the Health and Care Research Wales Evidence Centre and the Director of PRIME Centre Wales, an all-Wales Centre for Primary and Emergency (including unscheduled research), in partnership with Bangor University, Swansea University and University of South Wales. He is also a part-time General Practitioner in Cwmbran, South Wales, and has a visiting professorship at Aarhus University, Denmark. He co-leads the Population Medicine Route of the intercalated BSc.
In the news:
Minister for Health and Social Services helps launch new Evidence Centre (March 2023)
Impact of COVID-19 pandemic on incidence of long-term conditions in Wales (March 2023)
New Evidence Centre aims to improve health and social care in Wales (February 2023)
Symposium showcases vital research supporting pandemic recovery for communities in Wales (September 2022)
Welsh researchers to help develop app that could improve quality of life for terminally ill cancer patients (June 2022)
Health and Care Research Wales invests in leaders across Wales to shape the research of the future (April 2022)
A year of impact - The Wales COVID-19 Evidence Centre (March 2022)
One year of Welsh research into COVID-19 (March 2022)
First work programme of the Wales COVID-19 Evidence Centre helps to address new challenges faced by the NHS and social care (September 2021)
Welsh researchers investigating long Covid as part of UK-wide £20 million funding call (July 2021)
Director appointed to new Wales COVID-19 Evidence Centre (March 2021)
Cardiff University
Health and Care Research Wales Evidence Centre
Contact Adrian
Tel: 02920 687196