Identifying research priorities to improve communication around women’s health


What is this survey for?

In the Autumn we spoke to women, girls and practitioners in the NHS to ask about their experiences in communication around women’s health.

We did this because we want to find important areas to research. Thank you to those who took part!

We put your questions into categories and have produced a list of 38 summary questions.

These questions are set out in this survey and we are asking you to choose the ones that are most important to you.

Please take part in this survey if you are a:

  • Women, girl, or person registered female at birth above 16 years old


  • NHS practitioner who is working in Wales or who provide care to women, girls, or people registered female at birth who are living in Wales

What are we asking you to do?

Please read the list and choose up to 10 questions that you think are most important for researchers to answer based on your own experiences and opinions.

Please ask others to complete this survey too. We want to make researchers aware of the issues that matter to lots of people.

Is it confidential?

This is a confidential survey. We will ask for a little information about you. This is so that we can understand who is completing the survey and whether we are hearing from a wide range of people. No parts of the survey are mandatory.

After completing the survey, you will be asked if you would like to apply to join us for our final workshop of the project to decide the Top Ten priorities. This is completely voluntary, and we do not link your survey responses to the details you provide in this form. For more information, see our privacy notice.

Easy read version

We have an easy read version of the survey available, please contact Natalie Gerardo for a copy.


Which of the following best describes you? If you are both, please tick the option that describes the option you are most influenced by when answering the survey.
Which area do you work (for practitioners) or live (for women and girls) in?

What is your ethnic group? Choose one section from A to E then use the drop down box to describe your ethnic group or background.

What is your ethnic group? Choose one section from A to E then tick one box to describe your ethnic group or background.

A White
B Mixed or multiple ethnic groups
C Asian, Asian Welsh or Asian British
D Black, Black Welsh, Black British, Caribbean or African
E Other ethnic group
What religion, religious denomination or body do you belong to?
Is Welsh your preferred language for communication about health?

Please tick the questions that you think are most important for research to answer – you can submit up to 10.
