Three women sat at table

Vote now for the most important questions in communication around women’s health

22 January

*This survey is now closed. Thank you for all of your responses*

Project background

Women’s health is a high priority for Welsh Government and communication around women’s health issues is a key area within this:   

Through our latest prioritisation project, we will identify the ‘unanswered questions’ and gaps in research around communication on all aspects of the health of women and girls aged 16 and above. We will do this by listening to those with lived experience of communicating their health with NHS professionals, and from NHS practitioners who care for them.  

Over 600 practitioners, women, and girls across Wales took part in our first survey to share their ideas and experiences. These have been analysed and grouped into summary questions.

We want to narrow down the list of 37 questions, by gathering your votes on the questions you most want research to address in this second survey.

Why should I take part?

Research can help make the changes needed by filling gaps in our knowledge. To conduct useful research, we must listen to you and the professionals working in this area, to identify the most important concerns and ideas you have.

When research happens in future, we want it to be research that makes a real difference to the lives of people in Wales and which improves the quality of the care and support they receive.

The results of the surveys will be used to identify a Top 10 set of research priorities which we will promote to research funders. 

Take part in the survey to vote for your priorities now!

What are we asking from you?

  • Take part in the survey even if you did not take part in our first survey
  • Encourage others to take part, by sharing this website with colleagues, friends, and family.

The survey should be filled in by those with experience (personal or through work) of communication within NHS services about any aspect of women’s health.

This includes:

  • women and girls aged 16+, people registered female at birth
  • NHS practitioners or strategic decision makers across primary, secondary, and community care

The survey should take you about 5 minutes, but it is no problem if it takes you longer.

Opens: 20 January 2025

Closes: 5 February 2025

Participating in this survey is voluntary, and your answers will be kept confidential. Please see the privacy notice.

We are happy to receive submissions based on group discussions about the survey questions, especially for those who are unable to complete an online survey. If you can collaborate with us and help to champion the survey in any way, please contact Natalie Gerardo

Next steps

The final Top Ten will be decided by practitioners and people with lived experience (women, girls (16 years +), people registered female at birth) during an online workshop.   

To be involved in the workshop, you can share your details at the end of the survey.

Once we have our Top Ten we will present these to researchers and research funders.

Please take part in the survey to vote for your priorities now!