COVID-19 research guidance
This page is updated as guidance and information becomes available.
The NIHR have released a framework for restarting NIHR research activities which have been paused due to COVID-19 and also guidance to ensure research is protected during a second wave. The first outlines guiding principles for a coordinated restoration of the research portfolio to improve the health and wealth of the nation; the second document provides guidance to ensure COVID-19 and non-COVID-19 research is protected as pressure on the wider clinical services increases. Wales and other devolved administrations have been engaged in the development of both documents and are supportive of the guiding principles and prioritisation criteria which includes continued support for COVID-19 research as part of the Government response to tackle the pandemic.
Health and Care Research Wales Support and Delivery service: Guidance regarding pandemic preparedness and response to COVID-19 outbreak (pdf) 18/03/20
All studies including Urgent Public Health (UPH) studies should follow the attribution set out in the AcoRD guidance and researchers are required to complete a SoECAT for COVID-19 research in the same way as for any research application requiring a SoECAT. For more information read the article about Urgent Public Health COVID-19 Studies - Meeting research costs
Health and Care Research Wales acknowledges the urgent nature of COVID-19 research and short timelines can make involvement of the public seem like an impossible challenge, which is why we are here to help you. Please read how we support public involvement for your COVID-19 research.
Ensuring ethnic diversity in COVID-19 research
The National Institute for Health Research has partnered with the Centre for Ethnic Health Research to offer tips and advice on designing and delivering health and care research that is sensitive to and inclusive of people from Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic (BAME) groups.
The following tools have been developed for researchers:
- A series of videos with an overview of how to ensure ethnic diversity in research, some specific advice on cultural competency, and tips direct from patients and the public
- A checklist to ensure all areas of research are equality focused
These new resources can be used alongside the centre’s existing toolkit for increasing participation of BAME groups in health and social care research.
Ensuring ethnic diversity in research is an article and associated video on the importance of ensuring ethnic diversity in COVID-19 research
COVID-19 Vaccine Trials National Training
The NIHR have developed COVID-19 Vaccine Trials Training which is hosted on NIHR Learn. These resources are specifically for staff involved in the delivery of COVID-19 vaccine trials and include a training matrix along with links to learning resources. The resources include: essential, desirable and optional training and is only for individuals who are, or may be involved in vaccine studies.
Chief Nursing Officer – Nurse Director NHS Wales: Research nurses and the COVID-19 pandemic (pdf) 14/04/20
Chief Medical Officer for Wales - Public Health Link: Novel Coronavirus - clinical trials, letter to health boards and trusts (pdf) 06/04/20
COVID-19: guidance on health and social care research projects for educational purposes 20/03/20
Professor Kieran Walshe, Director of Health and Care Research Wales, has released a statement on the current coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic 17/03/20