Embedding research in the NHS

Improving health and care services in Wales using evidence-based approaches is fundamental to improving the quality of care and putting the public at the heart of everything. Research makes a real difference to improving health outcomes and to the lives of patients and people in our communities. 

Research is part of care

Research is part of care and provides the opportunity for patients and service users to access new treatments and services that will improve their health and wellbeing, or that of others in the future, and more widely contributes to reducing health inequalities in the general population. NHS organisations in Wales have a critical role to play in supporting research. 

Health and Care Research Wales, in collaboration with a wide range of stakeholders including NHS organisations in Wales, has developed a Research and Development (R&D) Framework (pdf), launched in the Welsh Health Circular (WHC/2023/026).

Research excellence 

The Framework outlines what ‘research excellence looks like’ within NHS organisations in Wales where research is embraced, integrated into services, and is a core part of the organisation’s culture. 

Each NHS organisation is responsible for local implementation, to achieve the features in the NHS R&D Framework so that collectively there is strong culture of research embeddedness across NHS Wales.  

Embedding Research in the NHS Programme 

To support local implementation, the Embedding Research in the NHS Programme was launched in 2024, and there are four national projects which are being led nationally to support local activity. These projects are: 

  • NHS R&D Framework Engagement project;
  • Developing Clinical Academics project;
  • Measuring the Economic Value and Impact of Research project; and
  • Embedding Research into the NHS Workforce project 

Key highlights from the Programme so far: 

  • The Embedding Research in the NHS Programme Steering Group established and chaired by Suzanne Rankin, the CEO Research Champion for Wales
  • Delivered a briefing session at Welsh NHS Confederation Conference in November 2024 on Embedding Research in the NHS – why it’s our duty of quality to patients
  • A national survey was undertaken to identify clinical academics which resulted in more than 600 respondents
  • Commenced project to measure the economic value and impact of research in collaboration with Health and Care Economics Cymru (HCEC) and Health Care Research Wales.  

Next steps: 

  • Support NHS organisations to develop consistent messaging relating to research across their communications channels
  • Analyse the data from the clinical academic survey responses and run focus groups with clinical academics to identify support needs
  • Health and Care Economics Cymru to complete a literature review to identify projects and approaches where the economic value of research to the NHS Wales and beyond has been measured 

If you are interested in supporting research in your organisation contact your NHS R&D Board Champion, Research and Development Office or contact the Health and Care Research Wales national team for further information. 

Board champions  

Research and Development Offices 


Suzanne Rankin appointed as the first CEO Research Champion

Health and Care Research Wales publishes new Framework to embed and integrate research in the NHS