Health and Care Research Wales Conference 2024
The Health and Care Research Wales Conference took place on 10 October 2024 at Sophia Gardens, Cardiff.
Read how women’s health was at the forefront of our ninth annual conference on our news pages. Where we have persmission to share the recordings and presentations from the day they are linked below, to keep up to date with all things conference sign up to our newsletter.
Revisit our conference
Owain Clarke, Health Correspondent, BBC Wales News
Sir Frank Atherton, Chief Medical Officer, Welsh Government
Keynote speaker
Dr David Price, Honorary Consultant Physician, Swansea Bay University Health Board
TED-style talks
Don’t just chuck them in the bin
Dr Heidi Seage, Principal Lecturer in Health Psychology, Cardiff Metropolitan University
Out of the journal and into social care
Liza Turton, Consultant Social Worker, Neath Port-Talbot County Borough Council
To transform autism research, ask autistic people
Dr Aimee Grant, Senior Lecturer in Public Health and Wellcome Trust Career Development Fellow, Swansea University
Read more about this research.
Our responsibility: harnessing Artificial Intelligence for suicide prevention
Dr Marcos Del Pozo Banos, Senior Lecturer, Swansea University
Unheard to empowered: endometriosis and the space for change
Rachel Joseph, PhD Student, Cardiff University
Nothing about us, without us
Dr Mayara Silveira Bianchim, Research Officer and Patient and Public Involvement Lead, Bangor University
Georgina Ferguson-Glover, Patient and Public Involvement representative
Debs Smith, Patient and Public Involvement representative
Read more about this research.
Parallel sessions
Partnerships: How can collaboration across different sectors drive investment in research and bring greater benefits for patients?
Chair: Carys Thomas, Head of Policy, Health and Care Research Wales
- Louise Davies, Director of Public Health, Protection and Community Services, Rhondda Cynon Taf County Borough Council
- Professor Liam Gray, Professor of Functional Neurosurgery and Director of the Brain Repair and Intracranial Neurotherapeutics (BRAIN) Unit
- Dr Paul Hole, Programme Manager/Acting Head of Research, Imophoron
- Rachel Savery, Head of Programme, Advanced Therapies Wales
- Dr Leighton Phillips, Director of Research, Innovation and Value, Hywel Dda University Health Board
Improving Women’s Health: advancing sex and gender equity in health and social care research.
Facilitator: Michael Bowdery, Head of Programmes, Health and Care Research Wales
- Alice Witt, Research and Policy Fellow, The George Institute for Global Health
- Dr Kate Womersley, Co-Principal Investigator of MESSAGE, The George Institute for Global Health
How research can help tackle the grand challenges in adult social care
Chair: Helen Grindell, Head of Research Support and Operations, Health and Care Research Wales
- Alwyn Jones, Chief Officer for Social Care, Wrexham County Borough Council
- Professor Mark Llewellyn, Director, Welsh Institute for Health and Social Care and Professor of Health and Care Policy, University of South Wales
- Rachel Scourfield, Knowledge Mobilisation Manager, Social Care Wales
- Professor Paul Willis, Director, Centre for Adult Social Care Research (CARE)
Read about the adult social care session
Climate change impacts on health and social care, what are the implications for researchers, and research funders?
Chair: Dr Josie Jackson, Head of Research Prioritisation, Commissioning and Knowledge Mobilisation, Research and Development Division, Welsh Government
- Dr Sara MacBride-Stewart, Reader in Health Medicine and Society, Cardiff University
- Samantha Turner, Senior Researcher, Swansea University
- Lisa Wise, Climate Change and Environmental Public Health, Welsh Government
Women's Health Panel
Chair: Owain Clarke
- Professor Amy Brown, Professor Maternal and Child Public Health, Swansea University
- Dr Ceryl Davies, Social Care Economist, Bangor University
- Dr Helen Munro, Clinical Lead, Women’s Health Strategic Clinical Network, NHS Executive
- Rebecca Jones, Director of Research and Development Policy, Association of the British Pharmaceutical Industry (ABPI)
Read about the women's health panel.
Personal story
Sophie Pierce, research study participant
Professor Kieran Walshe, Director, Health and Care Research Wales
Health and Care Research Wales Awards
Presented by Professor Kieran Walshe