Wales Gene Park
Wales Gene Park is an infrastructure support group funded by the Welsh Government through Health and Care Research Wales. We support, promote and perform Medical Genetic and Genomic Research of the highest quality, and work to ensure its translation for the benefit of patients and public in Wales and beyond.
Wales Gene Park works to support the implementation of the Welsh Government’s Genomics for Precision Medicine Strategy by:
- Promoting and facilitating high quality genetic and genomic health research in Wales
- Ensuring seamless translation of advances in genetics and genomics to improve NHS services and commercialization
- Ensuring the informed involvement of patients, public and professionals in the development of genomic medicine in Wales
People and community links:
Dr Andrew Fry - Director Wales Gene Park
In the news:
Getting people involved in research: the role of the UK Standards for Public Involvement in Wales (May 2023)
Bowel Cancer Awareness Month 2023 (April 2023)
Wales’ life-changing rare disease research (March 2021)
Health and Care Research Wales conference 2019: showcasing partnership and collaboration (November 2020)
£44 million investment in health and social care research in Wales (October 2020)
Precision Oncology: A novel approach to modelling neuroblastoma and specific treatment as its underlying genetic abnormalities changes during a patients treatment (October 2021 - September 2023) Funded project