Wales School for Social Prescribing Research (WSSPR)
The Wales School for Social Prescribing Research is a virtual all-Wales school, which aims to build a world-leading critical evidence base for social prescribing in Wales, using a translational research model to ensure findings have high-impact in academia, practice, policy and education.
Health and Care Research Wales have funded the Wales School for Social Prescribing Research (WSSPR) programme of work to develop a social prescribing evaluation methodology. Alongside this work, other funded programmes include social value, evaluation, education and well-being. WSSPR builds upon work previously completed by the Wales Social Prescribing Research Network (WSPRN) and now sits within PRIME Centre Wales.
People and community links:
Professor Carolyn Wallace - Director WSSPR
In the news:
How social prescribing can make positive changes to health and wellbeing (May 2023)
International Clinical Trials Day 2023 (May 2023)
“Social prescribing is about helping people to live their best full life” (November 2022)