Research Capacity Building Collaboration Wales (RCBC Wales)
Research Capacity Building Collaboration Wales (RCBC Wales) is funded by the Welsh Government through Health and Care Research Wales and is a collaboration between six university nursing and allied health departments in Wales: Bangor, Cardiff, Cardiff Metropolitan, Glyndŵr, Swansea & South Wales Universities.
The purpose of the collaboration is to increase research capacity in nursing, midwifery, the allied health professions and pharmacists across Wales. It does this through a number of schemes that include 'First into Research', PhDs and Post-Doctoral Fellowships.
All members of the scheme join the Community of Scholars, a collegiate environment meeting six times a year that provides mentorship and master classes in research methods and research leadership. This is an integral part of the scheme and remains highly valued by all the scholars.
People and community links:
Dr Gina Dolan - Co-Lead RCBC
In the news:
We couldn’t have done it without you! (November 2022)
Ease-P study: Can self-help videos treat heel pain? (November 2022)
Research Capacity Building Collaboration (RCBC) Wales fellowship